Who is Trump’s Army of God?

At the end of 2023, Donald Trump assembled an Army of God to bring him victory in the Iowa caucuses. He called it the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

Our investigation of these radicalized Christians led us to uncover Nazi propaganda, terrorism, murder-suicide, monsters, magical spells, faith healing, fraud, and a growing hunger for global genocidal religious war.

Now we are sharing bringing together what we discovered about in a book: Donald Trump’s Army of God: Christian Nationalism in the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition.

A Vacuum of Journalism

A Vacuum of Journalism

The Iowa Faith Leader Coalition secured Trump’s path to the Republican nomination in 2024. Nonetheless, Trump’s claims about the Coalition were largely unchallenged and the stories of its members left untold.

Learn More

Listen to Anise’s podcast about the Iowa Faith Leader Coalition

An End to Apathy

We can’t afford to turn our eyes away from this story.